Map posy Paper roses created from middle earth maps bridal Bouquet

A fabulous bouquet for any D & D fanatic created from otherworld maps this gorgeous made to order map paper rose bouquet & matching buttonhole is a must for your special day.
The flowers are created from sepia toned maps with the leaves made from the coloured maps of dungeons & dragons
This beautiful bouquet is created from other world maps - middle Earth, the known lands of fire & ice but these could be made from any map that has a special place in your heart.
Each bloom is created by hand by me using paper from a variety of sources no two are ever alike.
The bouquet is constructed in the traditional Victorian wired style giving it a lovely light & natural feel, this style provides a strong base ensuring that your bouquet will not only last for your special day but for years to come.
As a designer/maker I can create bridesmaid bouquets, corsages, head-dresses & buttonholes to compliment your bouquet.
Custom orders are always welcomed, take a look here for more info.
Bouquet is approximately 20cm wide & 21cm tall
Buttonhole is approximately 5cm wide & 8cm long
Your bouquet will be sent via a signed for service from the Royal Mail with appropriate insurance .