Perfect paper flower bouquets & gifts for you
Alice in Wonderland daisy in bulb bottle necklace
Alice in Wonderland daisy in Heart bottle necklace
Alice in Wonderland daisy in star bottle necklace
Dracula daisy in bulb bottle necklace
Dracula daisy in heart shaped bottle necklace
Dracula daisy in hexagon bottle necklace
Dracula daisy in quirky heart bottle necklace
Dracula daisy in star shaped bottle necklace
Fellowship of the rings daisy in bulb bottle necklace
Fellowship of the rings daisy in star bottle necklace
LOTR daisy in heart bottle necklace
Mary Poppins daisy in star bottle necklace
Mary Poppins in bulb bottle necklace
Mary Poppins in quirky heart bottle necklace
Pink paper daisy earrings Paper flower jewellery
Pink paper Rose earrings Paper flower jewellery
The Princess Bride daisy in bulb bottle necklace
The Princess Bride daisy in hexagon bottle necklace
The Princess Bride daisy in star bottle necklace